Πέμπτη 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

Real Greek Macedonia is in danger

The Greek Citizen (045)
Boston, 3/9/2018

Since 2008, Fyromian’s have been trying to get for their state the name "Northern Macedonia", as well as "Macedonian" language / identity

According to a Wikileaks document released today and published on many 
Greek websites it is revealed that at least in the recent decade Skopje state 
was trying to reach an agreement with Greece that would give them the name 
"Northern Macedonia" and also "Macedonian" language and ID card. Certainly, 
in order to achieve this, they also relied on international players and especially 
on the US.
The leak concerns a confidential document by Mrs. Gillian Milovanovic (the 
US Ambassador to Skopje at that period), dated 29/7/2008, which lists the 
aspirations of the Skopje government at that time when Nicholas Gruevski 
was Prime Minister and Branko Crvenkovski the President. As it appears, 
this document was also sent to the US Embassy in Athens, the European 
Union, the UN, but I suspect it was also communicated to the Greek government
at that time.
We see unfortunately that the recent Zaef-Tsipras agreement is perfectly in line 
with the decade’s long aspirations of the FYROM for the name of Northern 
Macedonia, the alleged Macedonian language and citizenship, which 
undermines the history and the long-term viability of real Macedonia, which is 
the Greek.
Below i quote the document:

From the above, we conclude that FYROM's aspirations have been fully adopted
by the US, as we know today that they are strongly pushing from the 
background for an agreement and solution - with major concessions on the part 
of Greece - to join the state in NATO and the EU.
We also know that EU actors - with Germany prominent - are pressing for an 
immediate solution to the issue, of course and to this case, against to the 
detriment of Greece's national interests.
All this, to some extent, might have a reasonable explanation within the scope 
that the US and the EU are primarily interested in their geopolitical prevalence 
in the Balkans over Russia, although they should still take into account the 
absolutely justified reactions of the Greek citizens based on law, legality, history 
and culture, and of course Greece’s national interests as one of their traditional 
ally and partner.
However, there is a blatant contradiction here. Ten years ago, the circumstances 
could have favored the Skopje as the Obama administration was totally identified 
with the EU and the forces of globalization, but now it is supposed that Donald 
Trump's government is in a political war with the lefties, socialists and liberals of 
Brussels and all over, so how do the US and EU cooperate in the FYROM case by 
giving them the name Macedonia (also “Macedonian” identity / language)?
We are talking here about an international political crime against world culture 
and humanity.
How the hell does the Trump’s US can cooperate with the Merkel’s EU and the 
‘Banksters’ like Soros* against the Greeks and the real Macedonia?
[Note: for those who do not know I need to mention that globalist George Soros 
is the main financier and patron of the Skopje state]

And then the next question is: If Donald Trump really goes against the Globalists 
establishment then who really rules the US and especially who implements their 
foreign policy?

Following these two questions, and to give a reasonable explanation, I would 
point out that the following two cases seem to be likely to apply to the US and 
their foreign policy:
a)Either Donald Trump simply acting that he is fighting the banking / capitalist 
establishment of the US and the EU, and therefore mocks the American 
people who entrusted him, and also the European citizens who general 
saw a better hope in him.
b) Either D. Trump does not fully control the United States, but a hidden, 
illegal and dangerous deep state controls a great deal of power (FED, Wall 
Street, Media, CIA, FBI, NATO, etc.).
I will overlook the first case (a) because it is very disappointing but also because 
I want to believe that the second (b) case is valid, at this point I should mention 
that I am a supporter of D. Trump's general policy which is
against Globalization and I wish, like many others, that I have not fallen out of my 
expectations and my judgment about the US president.

However, and the second case is worrying because in this scenario no one knows who 
really controls the US Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense, the CIA, the Ministry 
of Foreign Affairs, etc. The only thing that is certain is that the Ministry of Finance, 
banks, fuel, energy, much of the trade and the big media, Hollywood, the Music & 
Fashion industries and more, are controlled by the Globalists.
Under these circumstances, the alliance of Greece with the United States is 
questionable when we know that the Globalists are behind the overwhelming and illegal 
Greek financial debt, but also promote the breakup of Macedonia-Thrace from our country, 
the creation of Greater Albania where through it the Albanians claim the Greek Epirus, the 
tradition of half of the Aegean in Turkey, and an convenient agreement in Cyprus for the 
All these are issues that Greeks need to know and take seriously, but also to ask for clear 
answers from the D. Trump government (that says they are fighting NWO), to know who are 
their friends and who are their enemies.
We also need to realize that we live in a crucial period for mankind as Globalists are 
trying to take us back to the dark ages of ancient Babylon and to erase the light of Greek 
culture which is adopted by the West. We are talking here about a global conflict that maybe 
can have economic and geopolitical characteristics but its predominant element is the 
theological and cultural background. That's what it is about. A war between the forces of 
Satanic-Babylonian Globalization at the one side, against the West of Christianity and 
its Greco-Roman Culture, at the other side.
So let's take the above considerations into account and let us decide where we stand, 
but let us remember what they said and what they did thousands of years ago some of 
our ancestors in Thermopylae to the powerful Persian-Babylonian Empire. 
They said: “Molon Lave” and “This is Sparta!”
Returning to the issue of Macedonia, however, I shall ask one more question: 
These worrying things maybe are happening in the US, but we, the Greeks, 
what do we have to do about our real Macedonia?
We must no retreat on the name, language, identity and history of Macedonia. 
All the Greeks of the world should unite in this common cause and push on many 
fronts to prevent this national defeat. Because after the granting of the name and 
identity follows the secession of Greek Macedonia and the creation of an independent 
Macedonian state, including Skopje territory, which will be full controlled by NWO.
At the end I must say that at the level of the states maybe Greece and the Greeks 
are almost alone, but at the people’s level we have many friends, especially at west, 
who do not forget where the world’s culture started. Let's try to cooperate with our 
foreign friends, since everyone has to win from the salvation of Greek civilization 
and Greece!
*Greek Citizen (045) is a member of the international Greek citizen’s movement 
<True Democracy>